Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday, December 22nd

Building structures using gum drops and tooth picks. Nice work, kaylin!

Alice, enjoyed coloring her reindeer picture this morning. Great job staying in the lines!

A lot of teamwork happened this morning, to build this giant track.

After snack, we snuggled up with some popcorn, hot chocolate and candy canes and enjoyed watching Mickey's Magical Christmas.

Ellie, just hanging around in the crate. She says she wasn't stuck. Sometimes, you just feel better upside down :)

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thursday, December 21st

The Explorers had so much fun checking out our new animal x-rays and matching it up with the actual picture on the wall.

Our last session of yoga with Danielle, today. They all really enjoyed her classes. I always like feedback from parents about if they would like to see classes like this continue or not. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wednesday, December 13th

We used q-tips to paint snowmen in snow globes. 

Everyone got to decorate a triangle for our Christmas tree. We put them all together to make one giant tree.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday, December 11th

Lucy, being silly with dress up.

Raylan and Emilie were being playful with one another. Emilie said "we are booping each other." 

On Friday, we painted with pine tree branches. It made some really cool textures and designs on the paper.

We used our gingerbread play dough with our letter place mats to practice making different letters.

This morning, we made candy canes using shaving cream and food coloring. They are so magical! Check them out tonight, they are hanging on our tree in the book area along with our joy bells.

Snow is so yummy!

Leprechaun Traps!