Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31st

Garrett practiced counting while playing Trouble with his family

Isabelle and her mom and dad enjoyed this nice day with some outdoors adventures.

Evan, Aidan and their cat.

Evan and Aiden went on a scavenger hunt!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday, March 30th

Isabelle enjoyed doing the Alphabet find today at her house. She even found a letter on her cat! Ha ha!

Garrett was enjoying coloring today.

Amelia's mom wrote upper and lower case letters on plastic eggs and broke them  apart for her to match them back up together.

Evan's mom put letters up higher and had them shoot the letters with Nerf guns. How fun!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Friday, March 27th

Lucas, admiring his stained glass project that he made. So beautiful, Lucas!

Lucas spent some time tracing his name.

Isabelle did some color mixing. Look at all the different colors she made!

She, also, made a rainbow! Great job!

Great job with those colors, Sulley!

Crosby went on a scavenger hunt and found all of the items on the list. Awesome!

Conor and Marion making patters with paint!

Great job, Marion! You're so ready to be an Explorer!

Conor worked hard to trace his name with cheerios!

Conor and his sister, working hard on their rainbows!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday, March 26th

Weston used coins to trace the letters in his name. Great job, Weston!

Sulley, great job with your name tracing! 

Isabelle spent some time outside on this beautiful day working on the scavenger hunt. So fun!

Amelia spent today, playing in her sandbox, sorting coins and doing puzzles. What a busy day you had, Amelia!
