Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tuesday, September 29th


Today, we had a very special visitor. Ms. Amy's puppy, Luna, came to preschool for a visit. She is such a sweet, gentle dog. She enjoyed giving lots of kisses and getting lots of belly rubs in return.

Mae, being silly with a bucket on her heard!

Harper, spent recess searching the playground for beautiful, fall leaves.

Dwyer, made a sandcastle with his kanetic sand.

Morgan, enjoyed painting during morning free choice.

Mira, did some chalkboard painting. Such beautiful colors!

Mae, worked really hard at puzzles, today. Great job, Mae!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday, September 24th


Margaret, pretending to be a puppy.

Dwyer, waiting for his ice cream cone.

Harper S. has a birthday tomorrow, so she brought in a book to donate to our classroom as her birthday treat to us. Happy birthday, Harper. We hope you have a wonderful day!

Today, we enjoyed a lot of water bead play. They feel so fun on our hands!

Connor, stretched his playdough as far as he could without breaking it.

Dwyer, used part of morning free choice to practice using his scissor. Nice job, Dwyer!

Mae, played baby in the dramatic play area, this morning.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuesday, Septemeber 22nd


The Explorers exercised their gross motor skills during recess by racing each other around the playground.

Luca and Marion, have been having so much fun playing together!

Wyatt wanted to show his mom how cool his lego structure is!

Margaret, spent some morning free choice playing in the oatmeal. She bakes the best muffins!

Morgan, explored the animal during morning free choice.

Harper L and Maisie, had fun playing with the ocean animals and finding gems in the water.

Go Margaret, go!

Leprechaun Traps!