Monday, March 28, 2022

March 28th photo dump


We have been talking a lot about Spring and what happens to the ground, trees, and animals when the temperatures start to rise and the snow melts away. Today, we plated some grass seeds in tiny pots. We talked about the process and what the key things a seed needs for it to grow; Water, soil, and sunlight. We will water and watch these little pots over the week and see how long it takes for the grass to grow. 

Spring time in Vermont = Epic puddle to play in!

We have been spending a lot of time practicing writing our names. Some friends are even starting to write their names independently. How exciting!!

Alice and Frankie celebrated their 4th birthday this month. Happy birthday, girls!

Greyson, was admiring how big Silas was making his Magna-Tile tower.

We read stories and talked about St. Patrick's Day and the Leprechaun. We used greens and yellow/gold paint and glitters to create a magical mess. And then we added stickers! 

Alice and Frankie enjoy a good book on tape during morning free choice.

Instead of the typical playdough, we make it using model magic and hair conditioner or lotion. It makes a nice, stretchy, and good smelling playdough.

Alice, independently writing her name!!

Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday, March 7th


Welcome to Spring at Preschool!!! We strongly encourage rain suits if possible. We think that this kind of play is vital to their growth and development. You should see all the smiles and hear all the giggles!

We have been exploring a new cork puzzle road set. They have been experimenting with the different ways they can make roads with the pieces we have. Cora and Frankie V. made two circles today.

Sebastian and Silas, lined the cars up on the road and began to count them.

Last week, we had Erna back for story time. She read books about hands. We sang songs and danced to songs about all the ways we use our hands.

Over the last couple of week, the Explorers have really shown so much interest in learning, writing and identifying their letters. We have been using markers to color, write, and put sticker on letters. They are all doing fantastic with their letters!

When we aren't practicing single letters, we are writing our names. Another skill that is taking off within the classroom!

Another fun activity that we have been Exploring is our new construction, building block set. It's truly fascinating what they can create!

A little science in the mix. Baking soda and vinegar, to create a fizzy, fun morning!

A couple of weeks ago we used cool colors to create a winter scene. We topped if off with some kosher salt to give it an icy look.
