Friday, September 14, 2018

September 14th

We practiced using stencils to draw animals.

Jack was doing some free drawing on the white board.

Mira too!

And Nora!

Graham worked on a puzzle with a friend during quiet choices. 

Mira and Drew working on the octopus puzzle.

Lexi and Emily tackled the mermaid puzzle.

Logan was having a very serious discussion with Sawyer about how their puzzle was going to go together.

Ernest and Raylan made a great team to tackle their shark puzzle.

Nora enjoyed lounging in the book area with a basket of books.

Graham was being cheered on by his friends before his trip down the slide.

Nora took a break from playing to swing.

Harlow says "Here's my ticket"

Logan painting his apple. He couldn't decide if he wanted a red or green apple...

A is for Apple.

The Explorers really enjoyed viewing different x-rays on our light table. Is it a person or an animal?

Logan and Drew did a great job finding which animal the x-ray belonged to.

Charlie painted a juicy, red apple!

Lexi and Eamonn sponge painted a paper plate apple today.

We worked on some number recognition and counting this morning.

Preschool lounge. 

Eamonn was paying Harlow for his cart full of groceries.

Jack and Tyler enjoyed apple painting this morning.

Miss Nicole brought in some special books from her house to share.

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