Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tuesday, October 2nd

Monday, we worked on stained glass leaves. They are so pretty!

We practiced using scissors the correct way.

Logan enjoyed building magna-tiles on the light table.

Drew and Sawyer joined Logan at the light table.

Graham says, "Red means stop".

Tyler and Jack really enjoyed mud play, outside, yesterday.

Today we did some science experiments. We learned what happens when you add vinegar to baking soda, and then we experimented with some coloring mixing. Charlie and Lexi discovered that yellow and red make orange!

Harlow thought it was funny to see the reaction of the baking soda when she dropped the vinegar into it.

Drew and Evan discovered that blue and yellow make green!

Mira finished coloring her tree with brown marker and got to work on adding her "apples" using glue and pom poms.

Charlie and Logan had coordinating outfits today. They were picture worthy!

Today, during morning meeting, we talked about the three different colors that apple are. Everyone sampled a piece of red, green and yellow apple. After everyone was finished sampling the apples, we went around and shared what our favorite was and graphed each one. As a class, our favorite was a tie between red and yellow!

Harlow had fun playing hair dresser on this rainy Tuesday, morning.

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