Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday, October 16th


Harper L. and Liam, worked as a team to put together the alphabet train puzzle on this rainy, Friday.

Luca and Dwyer, enjoyed quiet reading time together.

Harper S. and Marion, explored the Calico Critter house.

Since we weren't able to get outside, we used up some energy dancing to a few Halloween freeze dances. The Explorers were all hot and sweaty by the end. What great listeners we had, too!

Every year, a family of our program donates two giant bins of gourds that their family grows and we are so grateful to have this connection. We enjoyed exploring the different colors, shapes and sizes of them, today.

You know what a rainy day is good for? Finger painting! 

Finley, is using dot markers to trace letters on the paper.

Before it turned into finger painting, we were using Halloween cookie cutters to make spooky Halloween shapes on the paper with paint.

Yesterday, Mira worked really hard at coloring a Tinkerbell Halloween coloring page. She did a great job staying in the lines!

If you child came home with orange or purple hands, yesterday, here is why, it's oobleck!

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