Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday, November 6th


Together as a team, Mira and Harper L. worked together to put complete this multistep puzzle. They were challenged to sort, count and stack different colored rings onto the appropriate peg. Also, they identify the number and shape of the same color.

Ava and Harper were being silly with the beauty shop dramatic play box. Harper is powdering her face!

Margaret says "look Ms. Amy, I sorted them into the same shapes".

It may have been short lived but we found it appropriate to get out the instant snow for some chilly, winter sensory play.

Harper L. used the wooden mallets to practice her hammer skills. She hammered golf tees in to a box. This is great for developing fine motor skills.

The Explorers have really been enjoying our book on tape station. It's a great place to take some space and cool down.

Dwyer, tried to hammer the golf tees into a little pumpkin, but, he found it to be a little too hard and decided to stick with the box.

This week, we talked a little bit about chemical reactions while we used colored vinegar and baking soda. This is a simple yet very satisfying activity to discover science with young kids.

As Crosby stretched his playdough it drooped in the middle and he said "Look, its a smile!"

Harper S. and Harper L. had fun exploring the floam. It was everywhere!

Wyatt and Maisie built "snow castles" for the animals.

Yesterday, we took advantage of the nice weather and did some playground clean up. Everyone was super helpful and carried handfuls of leaves to our compost bin.

After cleaning up the leaves, some friends found creative ways to haul pieces of pumpkin to the compost bin. What a great idea Crosby had!

Marion helped Crosby load up the truck.

Mae got to work with the small dump truck.

After pumpkin clean up, Marion helped and friend and gave Liam some pushes on the swing.

Harper L. pulled her friend train around the playground. Choo Choo!

Luca, used the shovel to make paths in the woodchips for his friends to walk or drive their truck on.

Crosby says "I made Grace"

Dot markers are always so much fun, especially when we can learn our letters while doing it. Crosby identified the letter C and that his name starts with that same letter.

Mae used the clothespins and dinosaurs to identify the number and match them together.

Mae told me that his is the letter B.

Dwyer enjoyed using the magnetic clothes on the easel, today.

"Ms. Amy, I made a road for crossing!"

Our new, giant boards and hollow blocks are great for building strength and gross motor movements.

Marion identified this as the letter D.

Mira says "this letter is for my sister".

Mae was very excited to show me that she wrote the letter Z.

 Wyatt and Dwyer got busy hammering and stacking wood during morning free choice.

Harper S. was very proud of the dresses she put on her magnetic dolls.

Dwyer used the measuring tape and counted each inch. When he got to 12 I told him that it was 1 foot long!

Graham, patiently matched up all the numbered clothespins to dinosaurs.

Harper L. identified shapes and matched them to the proper place on the board. She even told me all the colors.

Graham used Miss Juli as a human jungle gym :)

Margaret was VERY excited to show Ms. Amy that she could finally reach the first bar on the monkey bars!

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