Thursday, February 25, 2021

Week of February 22nd-24th


We started a game of using each others legs as a bridge to go under. I suggested they all line up and the person in the back goes under everyone and stands up at the front of the line and then the next person goes. It was quite a hit! Some of them had a hard time squeezing under, causing the person standing to fall over. It was very silly.

Lewyn, and Margaret, used the big blocks to create a obstacle course.

"Look, I'm surfing!"

Morgan, enjoying dramatic play with the animals

Ava, and Mae, used the paint pallets to paint rainbows and write their name.

We pretended to be birds, perched on top of the climbing dome. They thought it was funny that Ms. Amy, climbed to the top! 

The Explorers had fun sledding on our little snow hill.

Wyatt, built a tower on top of the truck that was tipped on its side. Liam just wanted to be in the picture :)

Finley, and Connor, snuggled up to read books during quiet choices.

Crosby, telling me about the picture that he drew of his whole family.

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