Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wednesday, March 10th


Friends were getting pushes from the front and the back. There was a lot of laughs happening.

The Discoverers made colored ice for the playground and the Explorers had fun finding the treasures.

These friends were collecting "ice crystals" that they found on the playground.

Dwyer made lots of fun creations with the Tinker Toys.

Mae, Marion and Margaret, worked together to build a house using the wooden blocks.

We brought the babies back into the dramatic play area and the Explorers are just loving taking care of the babies. They dress them, feed them and lay then down for naps. 

Harper was baking a cake with our super soft, cornstarch and hair conditioner playdough.

Lewyn giggled, as Ms. Amy, made bubbles on the table with the slime.

Liam, laying his baby down for a nap.

Luca, used the trucks to uncover the hidden treasure in the sand.

Harper and Harper, discovered just how sticky our slime is. "I think I'm going to be stuck here forever!" says Harper L.

We used the big boards and chairs to create an elevated track for the monster trucks to drive on.

The Explorers used watercolors to paint Eggs.

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