Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27th


Alice, Eleanor, and Lila, cheesing for the camera!

Eleanor, showing us her upper body strength on the monkey bars.

And Sebastian...

And Silas, too!

There was some excitement with some fire trucks while we were outside on the playground. How cool to see the firefighters hard at work!

Lila, enjoyed playing on the slide.

And was a great helper during clean up time. Nice job, Lila!

"One, two, three, jump!"

Odin, picked a pretty, yellow flower during recess.

Sebastian, made a seat out of the bouncy balls. He looked so cozy!

Lila, putting together the Lego tracks.

Eleanor, enjoyed coloring during morning, free choice time.

Sebastian, made a robot using the Zoobs, during morning, free choice.

Playdough was a huge hit for a lot of our friends during morning, free choice.

Eleanor, Alice, Frankie, and Nora, listening to a book on tape, as they settled into the classroom, this morning.

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