Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday, October 1st

Lila, using the Calico Critters during morning free choice.

Alice, Eleanor, and Frankie, worked together to build a track for the trains.

Sometimes, when our bodies are feeling really BIG in the classroom, we do Cosmic Kids Yoga to get our bodies under control so that we can be safe in the classroom.

Wyatt, enjoyed looking at a book during morning free choice.

Sebastian, spent a lot of time putting together this puzzle.

Towards the end, he got stuck and Lila came over to offer help. She said she has this puzzle at home and loves it!

So, they finished it together!

Yesterday, we were lucky enough to be outside when the train came through. How exciting!!

This morning, we used golf T's and wooden mallets and hammered them into pieces of foam. This was a great activity for building their fine motor skills and muscles. 

Rainbow scratch paper was a free choice in the classroom, today. What a fun surprise when you start scratching away!

Sebastian, had a great idea using the board and stump. He made teeter-totter that they decided to walk up and down, instead of sitting on each side. This produced some pretty fantastic giggles :)

Afterwards, they used it as a ramp for the cars.


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