Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Dot sticker letters!

During morning activity time, friends used colored stickers to fill in the first letter in their names. This activity incorporated letter recognition and fine motor practice with the dot stickers. 


Free play fun!

Look at this amazing structure friends built together during morning choice time. Such amazing team work and creativity!

Ethan enjoyed playing with the floam. Many donuts were made this morning!

Lincoln doing some measuring during afternoon free play. He enjoyed measuring the table and the different sized blocks. 

Lia and Saga have really enjoyed playing with one another during recess! We love watching new friendships form at preschool. 

Rory enjoying some reading time during free play.

Who says these glasses just have to be for the toys?! 


Afternoon meeting activity!

 During afternoon meeting, we were able to fill in our chart with each of our friends eye colors. We had so many friends with brown eyes, we had to take up some extra space in the hazel eye column. We discussed which color had the most and which had the least. This was a great counting, sorting, and charting activity during afternoon meeting. 

Friday, September 8, 2023

First week of school fun!


Linden and Ethan enjoyed taking turns rolling the cars up and down the slide like a ramp!

                                        Rory had fun using the slide as a car ramp.

Lincoln discovered he could use the magnets to create Mickey Mouse! What a great idea!

It was a hot day. The best kind of day to enjoy the water table at school!

Idalia the photographer!

Idalia and Lincoln were enjoying using our pretend camera! Lincoln enjoyed making silly, scary, and happy faces! 

Tsering and Clara enjoyed our recess timing playing with one another. They found a shaded spot, underneath the play structure.

Oh we love those smiles and budding friendships at preschool!

Miles enjoying the water table on a hot day at school!

Quiet Activities!