Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday, November 5th


Today, some Explorers practiced pattern making on these really neat bead stacking boards. They did a great job following the pattern and identifying what came next.

This morning, we did some science! We learned that baking soda and vinegar make a chemical reaction that is really exciting to watch. Especially when it reveals different colors.

Cora, focusing really hard on coloring neatly, inside the lines.

Greyson, noticed that after when he painted yellow over the blue, it turned green! Color mixing is so much fun!

Wyatt, has been enjoying a book called "The Three Little Aliens And The Big Bad Robot". He wanted to draw a picture of the robot in the book, so he looked at the book and drew what he saw.

Greyson, worked really hard to create this master piece using the giant Perler Beads.

This week was another story time from the Brownell Library. We listened to stories about hats and learned how to do the Mexican hat dance.

Wyatt, has been working really hard, building different ramps and other creations using the giant, wooden blocks. There is so many things that we can do with them!

Our giant floor puzzles have been getting a lot of attention lately. We are getting really good at putting them together.

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